It’s been two weeks now since the Winter Class of 2015 presented their final projects to a few dozen hiring companies. For us presenters, summarizing our project work of 4-6 weeks into a three-minute presentation was a challenge. Then again, it forced us to focus on the absolute essence. Which, at higher granularity, was a necessity throughout the bootcamp.
In this post, I want to share a number of tips that helped me survive 12 very intense weeks of information overload, never-ending programming assignments (euphemistically called challenges) and long days.
So, without further ado:
Tip #1: Define your learning goals upfront, and adapt as you go
Each student starts class with his/her own background, strengths and weaknesses. Given the wide array of addressed topics, you may find yourself positioned on the knowledge/skills curve at the fifth percentile today, and at the ninety-fifth tomorrow. That’s fine, really — it’s just a statistical fact.
Apply a knowledge and relevance triage to each topic, so you don’t waste time on either “lost” causes (personal example: generalized linear models) or already gained causes (personal examples: RESTful API, SQL, mySQL, and a few others). Focus your time and effort exclusively on what you can, want and need to learn.
It goes without saying that this is different for each student.
Tip #2: Know what you (don’t) know and want
A precondition to tip #1 is that you know you knowns and unknowns. You should also know what you (don’t) want to reach as your end goal. It’s OK to define this self-knowledge as the bootcamp progresses, but about half-way into the bootcamp, this picture should become clear.
If you don’t know where you’re going, you won’t get there. If you’re lost, ask for help. You already paid for it, after all :-)
Tip #3: Skip a lecture, challenge or speaker, it’s OK
If your mind is a muscle, and it’s been strained, give it a rest. Don’t feel bad about skipping class every now and then, if that’s what you need. Chances are the information offered that day won’t sink in anyway, so this is probably the best you can do.
For clarity’s sake: this does not mean that you should give up on the bootcamp, quite the contrary! The goal is to get your grey cells functioning again as soon as possible.
Tip #4: Write your first blog post today. Yes, today!
The knowledge and skills that you acquire are one thing — their public visibility quite another. Don’t wait too long to set up your blog and tell the world about that cool problem you’re working on. If you do wait too long, you may already suffer a mid-bootcamp-crisis. Instead, lay your blogging foundations early enough in the game.
Tip #5: Always, always store your work on GitHub
Push your code and key results at least once a day. Believe me, you don’t want to be that one student who lost everything because of a disk crash, a stolen laptop or that “funny” classmate aka Unix guru who told you that typing “sudo rm -rf /” would solve all your problems.
Two out of these three purely hypothetical examples actually happened during our class.
Tip #6: Be ambitious, overstretch it, but only so far
There is no learning within the comfort zone, so if the bootcamp doesn’t hurt every now and then, you’re not paying attention and/or not making much progress. Then again, beware of setting unrealistic project goals: the deadline at the end of the bootcamp is real, and cannot be postponed.
Therefore, design your final project in such a way that the solution will be based on low-risk technologies you know you master. Complement this foundation with newly acquired skills and techniques that you feel comfortable applying during the bootcamp. Finally, top it off with a fancy technique or crazy idea. Just make sure that this cherry on the cake is dispensable — you never know the odds/gods are against you.
Applied to my own final project:
- Foundation: RESTful API, end-to-end solution, GitHub, Python, JSON, object-oriented programming, agile process.
- Novelties: pandas/numpy, serialization and deployment of trained logistic regression model; D3 visualization of money flows; Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation (SLDA)
- Cherry on the cake: browser integration via Google Chrome extension (written in JavaScript).
Tip #7: Be agile
To further reduce risk while making steady progress, apply a number of well-known principles from Agile development:
- Tackle the highest-risk problems first.
- Work in short iterations of 3-5 days each; make sure you have a working Minimum Viable Product to show at the end of each one.
- Use so-called stubs to replace complex functionality in your first iteration, so that the end-to-end solution chain is never broken.
- Apply test-driven development.
Applied to my project:
- I started with an explorative iteration in which I tested if a crucial but external C++ software package for SLDA would work at all — it did.
- In the second iteration, the RESTful API hid a stub function that returned a score that was randomly generated, but in the right JSON format. This way, all interfaces between the solution components were successfully tested end-to-end right from the start. After that, I “only” needed to fill in the blanks.
- My initial idea was to visualize the loan prediction score in a Javascript gauge widget. Since I couldn’t get it to work, and the functionality was non-essential, I ditched this idea quite quickly.
- 80% of all code developed in the the explorative iteration was reorganized into separate Python classes, with a quite comprehensive number of test cases.
Tip #8: Whenever possible, take shortcuts
By definition, the most efficiently performed piece of work is the one you choose not to do. When picking my final project, the availability of a comprehensive snapshot of historical Kiva data was a major decision factor. It meant that I didn’t need to spend (read: waste) my own development and the machine’s downloading time on web scraping. Having done web scraping many times before, there was no learning argument either.
Therefore: be pragmatic. Cut the waste.
Tip #9: Avoid dependencies
Dependencies on external parties, customers, data deliveries, knowledge gaps, unreliable cloud services, etc. are all risks: whenever possible, try to avoid them. Focus on what works for you, and don’t rely (too much) on external factors that you cannot control. If you must rely on an external piece of code or data, make sure to take away that risk first.
In my project, I decided not to contact before the work was completed (I am talking to them now). By doing so, I may have missed an opportunity to work on the most important problem they have, but I also gained a lot of time, and had total freedom.
Tip #10: Remember Oscar Wilde
“The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself.”
(source: BrainyQuote)
To all current and future students: enjoy the pain - and don’t forget to have some fun in between!